Student success through aerospace education
Many people are fascinated by the prospects of space exploration and the rockets that enable these adventures. This fascination makes rocketry an excellent venue for teaching and learning of physical sciences, mathematics, scientific method, and critical thinking. It provides practice in manual, mechanical, and problem solving skills, and through group projects promotes the development of social and leadership skills.
Abilities cultivated in the study of rocketry are useful in many aspects of life. Beyond the intellectual and technical skills which may be useful in career development, rocketry teaches deep respect for safety, understanding of the law, and responsibility to community. The rocketry practitioner must be a good student, a clever scientist, a skilled craft worker, and a solid citizen. Rocketry education, when well done, encourages all of these.
Space Education
Online Schools Library: Science - A Guide to Amateur Rocketry (Recommended by Claire... thanks!)
NASA Education Program
NASA Education Centers by State
NASA Educator Astronaut program
NASA Beginner's Guide to Aeronautics - includes Aerodynamics, Propulsion, Model Rockets, and Kites.
NAR Educational Services - National Association of Rocketry
Georgia Youth Science & Technology Centers, Inc. Affiliated with Southern Polytechnic State University - Teacher's Resources
Space Exploration Merit Badge (Boy Scouts of America official page)
Space Exploration Merit Badge (unofficial page) Lists reasons for exploring space, why it is worth the cost.
From Stargazers to Starships - NASA e-book on Astronomy, Physics, Space Travel and more.
Aerospace Education Alliance - Florida City
Educators' Aerospace Curriculum - funded in part with a grant from the Florida
Space Research and Education Grant Program
National Aviation and Space Education Alliance - "Supporting State Aviation and Space Education Programs"
Florida Space Grant Consortium includes: Educators Aerospace Curriculum
The National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program
Brevard Community College - Aerospace Technology training program
International Space University - France, near Strasbourg - "...develops the future leaders of the international space community..."
Aerospace Education - New Zealand Rocketry Association
Rocketry Curricula & Activities
Bob Brashear: Outline of Classroom Talk/Demonstration, (.rtf file)
Paul Yarnold's Rocketry Seminar proposal, (Word file)
Estes Educator Curriculums
Allstar Network, Florida International University, Aerospace education resources for teachers, middle school through college and adult
Other organizations
Rockets for Schools: Michigan Technical University
Blue Mountain Rocketeers: Rockets on Campus program, (.pdf file)
Projects adaptable to school setting
Water Rockets
Water Rockets - NASA
Water Rocket Index
Bottle Rocket Handbook (water rockets - not so much how to make them but how to do science with them)
H2O - Jimmy's water rocket page - British-made water rocket usign plastic soda bottle
Mr. Hayhurst's Quick and Easy Bottle Rocket
Flying Saucer Rockets
Art Applewhite - sells kits for saucer rockets from very small to rather large. Lots of free designs you can make from scratch.
Sellers of Science Education Stuff
Edmund Scientific - Telescopes, astronomy tools, science toys, (for water rockets, look under "air toys")
Rocketry Books and Periodicals
Rocket Science Insititute - Rocket Science Books, Toys and Tools, Dr. Edward Jones
Teleflite: David Sleeter is publishing a new book "Amateur Rocket Motor Construction"
Western Space Technology: "Equipping and Educating Private Space Programs Worldwide"
Careers in Aerospace
Spacelink: Space Careers - "Over 500 companies offering space jobs..."
Spacejobs: "Take your career to new heights." (also known as Aerojobs)
NASA - Career Management Office
NASA - SpaceLink - Careers in Aerospace
NASA Quest: "Meet the people of NASA and look over their shoulders as they make NASA's goals a reality..."
Educational Standards
Sunshine State Standards: Defines educational goals for students in Florida, K-12
Student Organizations
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS)
ERFSEDS - at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Haigazian College rocket projects - 1960's
Brevard Community College - Spaceport Center
Florida Space Research Institute - Advanced Learning Environment
UF - Environmental Systems Commercial Space Technology Center
Chemical Propulsion Information Agency - Johns Hopkins University
Portland State Aerospace Society (Oregon)
SEDS - Students for the Exploration and Development of Space - University of Arizona
The Illini Space Development Society, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaigne - hybrid rocket project
School, College, and University Projects
Lightning Research Project University of Florida
Institute for Future Space Transport University of Florida
Indiana Institute of Technology - Rocketry projects
FITSat - Florida Institute of Technology
SERRA - FIT - Supersonic Experimental and Recoverable Rocket Assembly
JAMSTAR - Florida Institute of Technology
ASTRO - Autonomous landing vehicle - Cornell University
San Diego State University - working with Flowmetrics to build new-age liquid fueled rocket
High Altitude Drosophila Science Experiment, University of Vermont - launched major test on Nike-Orion sounding rocket, performed preliminary tests using model rockets.
Alaska Student Rocket Program - University of Alaska Fairbanks - Poker Flats: the only university-operated sounding rocket range
Kingsford Rocketry Program Kingsford High School, Michigan - 7 years of high power rocketry!
Sunset Rocketry Club - Sunset High School, Portland OR
Pathfinder Rocket - The University of Cincinnati, Casper College and Natrona County School District
CalPoly Space Systems - working on Starbooster reusable launch vehicle, conceived by Starcraft Boosters currently testing with high-power motors to lift returning models with electronics and intelligence.
Weare Rocketry Team - Weare Middle School, New Hampshire
Sentinel Rocketeers - North Florida Community College, Madison, FL.
We had a very successful sugar-propellant workshop there on October 6, 2007.
Excellent faculty, outstanding students, and a Science lab devoted to rocketry!
Colleges with Related MajorsAerospace, Aeronautical, or Astronautical Engineering
Private colleges and universities offering Aerospace, Aeronautical, or Astronautical Engineering, and/or Aerospace Technology training
Courtesy of CollegeSource
Aerospace Technology
Brevard Community College - Associate in Science degree in Aerospace Technology, classroom at Kennedy Space Center
Atmospheric Science
Bob's Links:Rocket and Space Technology - Robert A. Braeunig Excellent site on Space Flight, Space hardware, Space Centers, Missions. Includes some interesting tables.
Antimatter Propulsion - Under serious consideration at Penn State University
SpaceRef.Com - Mission: "To provide the best space reference in the world." Looks pretty good!
Rocketresearch Pulse Detonation Jet and Rocket Engines
CP Technologies - by John Wickman - Leader in the efforts to save rocketry! Space Camps, Publications on amateur rocket motors, supplier of PSAN and related materials for ammonium nitrate composite propellant,
Chemical Propulsion Information Agency - Johns Hopkins University
Splash Pattern - a program written by David Hall and now distributed by Apogee "Splash is a wind-weighted 6 degree-of-freedom (6DOF) rocket simulation with statistics-based impact analysis capability." This level of analysis will be required for major flights, and previously was farmed out to a consulting firm charging many thousands of dollars per analysis. David's program makes this level of prediction accessible to serious amateur rocketers. Thanks!
Administration for Space Transportation - Federal Aviation Administration "AST's mission is to ensure protection of the public, property, and the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States during a commercial launch or re-entry activity and to encourage, facilitate, and promote U.S. commercial space transportation."
Rocketry News: "Your one stop rocketry information site..."
Aerocon Systems: "Rocket Apparatus for Inventors and Experimenters" Load cells, pressure transducers, shrink tape, G-Wiz and RDAS flight computers, Magnetic apogee detector kit... Cool stuff for rocket geeks!
Wilhelm Aerospace: Rocketry and Space Terms Glossary
Professional Organizations
Aerospace Industries Association
AIA Links to other organizations
Aerospace Industries Association of Canada
European Association of Aerospace Industries
Belgian Aerospace Industries Association
Aerospace Education Foundation - an affiliate of the Air Force Association
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
Society of Aerospace Communicators
American Astronautical Society
AAS Links to other organizations
International Academy of Astronautics initiated by Dr. Theodore von Karman...
International Astronautical Foundation - ParisNational Space Club, Florida chapter - A non-profit organization " stimulate the exchange of ideas and information about rocketry and astronautics, and to promote the recognition of America's achievements in aerospace."
Academy of Model AeronauticsMathematics
Meterology/Atmospheric Science
Calendars, Newsletters
Jonathan's Space Report
NASA/KSC Integrated Launch Schedule
Kennedy Space Center News (newsletter)
NASA SpaceLink - many space-related lists, calendars, histories
How Things Work
NASA - Rocket Functions
Rocket Equations
Aerospace Primer - Aerospace Corp.
Interactive Nozzle Simulator - NASA/Glenn Research Center
How Stuff Works - Rockets, and many other things!
Practical Rocketry - Allstar Network, Florida International University
Sport Rocketry
AeroTech - Motors, Airframe kits and more
Apogee Rockets - Publisher of RockSim, many other programs and books, supplier of kits, motors, etc.
Cesaroni Technology - Canadian manufacturer of rocket motors and much more. Pro 38 line
DOCTOR ROCKET - rocket motors, compatible with Aerotech reloads
Estes Industries - Model Rocket Kits
Gorilla Rocket Motors - Makes reloadable rocket motors and loads
Red Arrow Hobbies has thrust curves for all Estes motors
LOC Precision - Rocketry kits and components
Public Missiles Ltd.- High-Power Rocket Kits
U. S. Rockets
Ellis Mountain Rocket Works
Environmental Aeroscience Corporation - hybrid rocket motors
BSD High Power Rocketry
FlisKits Innovative model rocket kits- New Hampshire
Pratt Hobbies - DC area
Rocket Reviews - get reports on rocket kits.
Yellowjacket Systems - Launch pads, igniter materials, and other essential stuff
System Solaire - $1000. liquid-fuel motor
Scale - kits, plus free WinRoc software
Congreve Rockets - UK firm selling rocket motors and U.S. Rockets airframe kits
Space Tech Rocketry - Distributor of Aerotech motors and more
AeroTech - Motors, Airframe kits and more
Animal Motor Works - Rocket motors and reloads
Rouse-Tech Monster Motors
Gorilla Rocket Motors
Loki Research - Rocket motors & accessories
R.A.T.T. Works: Hybrid and "Tribrid" rocket motors
HyperTek - Hybrid rocket motors
Rocket Airframe Materials
Aerosleeves - Fiberglass, Kevlar, Fiber sleeves
Aero Pack - Quick-change motor retainers, tailcone retainers, motor adapters
Altimeters, Timers, Ejection, Staging, Flight Data Acquisition Electronics
Featherweight Altimeters - the Parrot, Raven
Missile Works - Model, High Power and Experimental Rocketry
Florida Organizations:
NEFAR - Northeast Florida Association of Rocketry, Orange ParkSRA - Spaceport Rocketry Association, Merritt Island Florida Gulf Coast Tripoli - Southwest Florida Rocketry, Ft Myers Tripoli South Florida (Miami) Tripoli West Palm Tripoli Tampa Rocketry Association Organizations in other places: United States Rocketry Organization of California
Maryland Tripoli #68
Colonial Virginia High Power Rocketry
Garden State Tripoli (New Jersey)
Maryland/Delaware Rocketry Association (MDRA)
Blue Mountain Rocketeers (Washington State)
Has Rockets on Campus program for schools ***
Northeast Pennsylvania Rocketry Association (NEPRA)
Huntsville Area Rocketry Association (HARA)
Mid-South Rocket Society - Memphis
The Music City Missile Club - Nashville
Wisconsin Organization Of Spacemodeling Hobbyists (WOOSH)
Northern Colorado Rocketry (NCR)
North Dakota Rocketry Association (NDRA)
Kloudbusters - Aragonia, Kansas
SPokane Area Rocket Club (SPARC)
Tripoli South Carolina - Orangeburg, the famous "Freedom Launch" - Central California
Sport Rocketry for Atlanta - Dale Windsor
Tripoli Atlanta
Tripoli Minnesota Twin Cities
Queensland Amateur Rocketry Club
Laser Rocket Team
Federazione Missilistica Europea
Progetto vettore STRATOSFERAFrance
GRETSS - Groupe de Recherche et d'Etudes des
Techniques Spatiales de Strasbourg
Planète Sciences - pour les jeunes- Space Science page
CNES - National Center for Space EducationNew Zealand
Hutt Valley Rocketry Club - Wellington, NZ
New Zealand Rocketry Organization
New Zealand Rocketry Association
InfoCentral - from Rocketry Online - descriptions of many rocketry techniques
Rocketopia - Links to many rocketry sites
Rocketry Materials - Drake "Doc" Damerau
Extreme Rocketry
Rocketry Events
LDRS 25, June 29-July 4th 2006 - Amarillo, TX
National/International Rocketry Organizations
National Association of Rocketry (NAR)
Promotes Model and High-Power RocketryNational Association of Rocketry (NAR)
Educator ResourcesTripoli Rocketry Association (TRA)
Promotes High-Power and Experimental Rocketry
ARSA Amateur Rocketry Society of America - Most notable for its founder, John Wickman, who is leading the charge to save rocketry from the Homeland Security Act/Safe Explosives Act. IEAS - International Experimental Aerospace Society
Private Projects Headed To Space
Goals: X-Prize - private projects to send 3 people into space, return them safely, do it again in 2 weeks
CATS: Cheap Access to Space - Space Frontier Foundation
Space in the News
Space Daily
Florida Today: Space News
Spaceflight Now
NASA Headlines
SpaceEquity.comThe Space Review:
Essays and Commentary about the final frontier
Space Exploration Programs
Apollo - Lunar Landing Missions
Space Primer - Aerospace Corporation
Russian Space Web
Timeline of Space Exploration - NASAHardware Databases:
Andrews Space and Technology - "Space Database provides a comprehensive overview of aerospace products and hardware"
Space and Planetary Habitation
The Artemis Project - Planning for a Moon Colony
Red Colony - Mars
Mars Society
Space Action Organizations
The B612 Foundation - "Our goal is to significantly alter the orbit of an asteroid in a controlled manner by 2015"
National Space Society "...dedicated to the creation of a spacefaring civilization."
Aerospace/Aeronautic Websites
Aeroweb - Italian Aerospace Website
Venik's Aviation - Russian Aeronautic website (doesn't work with Netscape 4.X)
The Space Foundation - promoting a greater understanding and awareness of the practical and theoretical utilization of space
Rocket and Space Technology - braeunig
Related Sciences:
Astronomy, Physics, Meteorology, Chemistry, Geology...virtually every science relates to aerospace!
World of Science - Includes Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, and biographies of great scientists. Outstanding!
Astronomy NASA's Visible Earth
The Sun Now - current images
Astrobiology - NASA
Space Calendar - NASA - notable space-related events
Astronomy Picture of the DayIndex of organisations involved in solar system exploration, University College, London
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research - includes rocket history sectionHeavens Above - locate and observe satellites, enter your location and it indicates viewing opportunities.
Chemistry WebElements - Chemistry data on the Web
Pictorial Periodic Table - includes alternate styles of the great Table.
"The Elements" Silly 1955 lyrics by Tom Lehrer, music by Sir William Sullivan, and great Flash animation by Mike Stanfill
Atmospheric Sciences Patrick Air Force Base - Weather forecasts for the 45th Space Wing - Canaveral/Kennedy Space Center area
A Lightning Primer - NASA GHCC
Langmuir Laboratory for Atmospheric Research - Socorro NM - Activities include rocket-triggered lightning
Global Hydrology and Climate Center - NASA Weather photos straight from the satellites - U. S. National Weather Service homepage. Voluminous weather data
PyrotechnicsJournal of Pyrotechnics
Pyro Creations
Dan Williams, Amateur Pyrotechnician
Entertainment Caterers, Orlando. Includes close-proximity pyrotechnics
Santore and Sons, Bunnell, FL
Metafire: collection of pyrotechnic compositions
History of Aerospace Technology
Space History Division, National Air and Space Museum - Smithsonian
Congreve rockets - as in "the rockets' red glare..."
Encyclopedia Astronautica
Rockets in Europe
Rocket Photos
Picture Gallery - Marshall Space Flight Center
History of Space Exploration - Solarviews
History of Rocketry - Solarviews
Spaceline - "Dedicated To Covering The Past, Present And Future Of Cape Canaveral"
V2ROCKET - outstanding website on the V2
Eric Weisstein's History of Rocketry
French Rocketry in Iceland 1964-65
Hellmuth Walter - Hydrogen Peroxide turbines, rocket motors
Spacecrafts Encyclopedia - Claude Lafleur
Aerospace Industry
The Aerospace Corporation
Aerospace Technology Enterprise - NASA
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Ball Aerospace (yes, the canning-jar company!) builds instruments and actuators for many space probes
Eaton Aerospace
Goodrich Corporation - A leading supplier of aerospace components, systems, and services
Gulfstream - Business Jet Aircraft
Kistler Aerospace
Lockheed-Martin Aerospace
Piper Aircraft - Light AircraftRaytheon - missile defense systems. Also makers of Beechcraft and Hawker aircraft
Smiths Aerospace
Space Transportation
United Space Alliance - Joint venture of Boeing & Lockheed/Martin - prime contractor for Space Shuttle operations
United Technologies - includes Pratt & Whitney jet engines, Sikorsky helicopters, and Hamilton-Sunstrand aerospace products
Quasi-Governmental Agencies
Aerospace States Association
Space Agencies
NASA Home Page
Space Shuttle - Official Home Page
Space Shuttle - Clickable mapOffice of Space Commercialization
Langley Research Center Multimedia RepositoryOther Space Agencies in the United States
Spaceport Oklahoma
Spaceport Systems International - at Vandenberg AFB, CA,
The first federally licensed private "Commercial Space Launch Site Operator" in the United StatesLegislation
Commercial Space Transportation Competitiveness Act of 2000 - legislation promoting commercial space development in the US
Senator Bob Graham (D-FL) - Statement on the Commercial Space Act of 1997Florida
Florida Space AuthorityFlorida Space Research Institute - Producing the ALE Space Technology on-line training Space Organizations - FSRI links page Florida Space Institute - University of Central Florida
International Space Research Park - at Kennedy Space Center
Spaceport Florida
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station - Virtual Tour - Rob Svirskas - (outstanding website!)International
European Space Agency
Indian Space Organization
Russian Aviation and Space Agency
United Nations: Office for Outer Space Affairs (OOSA)
Onera (Office National d’Etudes et Recherches Aérospatiales) - French national aerospace research center.
Naval Air Warfare Systems Training Division (Orlando, FL)
Bharat Rakshak - Indian Military Missiles - A4/V2 Resource Site
Global Security - much info on military use of space and rocketry, homeland security
Ed Thelen's Nike website
Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles
Air Force Association
How to build your own Chinese "Fire Arrow"
Air Vectors Greg Goebel: A survey of aircraft around the world and through history, updated monthly.
Airframe Design and Construction
Nose Cone Design
Info-Central offers an Excel spreadsheet to design and display different nose cone shapes
Computational Tools - Rocket Team Vatsaas
Model Rocketry/ HPR Informational Sites:
Welcome to Rocketry - John Coker
Rocketry Software
Mark Fishers' Collection of freeware/shareware
Greg Deputy - Spreadsheet for characterizing propellant - calculating a and n based on test results\
RASAERO - Chuck Rogers and David Cooper, Flight simulation and aerodynamic simulation software... Free!
also some good technical reports on rocket motor theory.
NASA - Rocket Thrust simulator, Java applet
Experimental Rocketry
Individuals and Groups
Amateur Rocketry Links Library - maintained by Hans Olaf Toft, Denmark
Terry McCreary's
Experimental Rocketry - Jeff Hove
Water Rocket Index
aRocket Science Resource for Experimental Rocketeers - Link collection, FAQs
STEAM ROCKETS : BJ Engineering
MARS - British amateur rocketry
D.A.R.K - Danish Amateur Rocketry Club
John Koster's Rocketry Page - NERO
NERO - Dutch Federation for Rocket Research - Holland
Ozark Propulsion Laboratories
Rocketry.Org - Experimental Amateur Rocketry
VRO - Flemish Rocket Organisation - Belgium
TAAR - Technologia Aerospacial AmateuR - Spain
European Rocketry Federation - Italy
European Rocketry Webring
Aerospace Systems Cologne - Germany
NAVRO - Dutch Amateur Assocation for Rocket-Research
Illinois Experimental Rocket Society
Alternative Accelerators, includes Tri-Mode Launch Assist - Glenn Olson
Rocket Workbench Project - collaborative ventures in rocketry software
SERG - Jonas Bjarnoe, Denmark - Experiments using KN/Dextrose in PVC and aluminum casings - good pictorials
Pat Bunn's Experimental Rocketry Website
NZ Rockets - Matt T. and Matt G. - sugar rockets and other types.
Dexter's Pyro Page - includes sections on black powder and sugar rockets, as well as making fuse!
JP Aerospace: "America's OTHER space program!"
Australian Experimental AE - Experimental rocket propulsion research equipment
The Rocketry Page - Jonny Dyer - includes instructions to make a KN/SU PVC rocket motor.
Steinn Jonsson and Smari Freyr, Sugar Rocketry in Iceland
Scott Aleckson - use of smokeless powders as ejection charges
Tony and AJ - on high altitude deployment
Rocket Mavericks: Going beyond the hobby
Jacob's Rocketry - Gary Jacobs. Author of one of my first books on making rocket motors, which he has very generously placed on the Web. In looking at this book again, I realize that I got several of my techniques from it...dry-rammed clay nozzles, tubes rolled from paper and Elmer's, and perhaps some others. Highly recommended!
Grover Aerospace - James Grover - AP/HTPB propellants
Strib's Rocket Page - airframe design, many links
Energetic Materials of Oklahoma - rocket design software, Federal regulations on rocketry
Sugar Propellant Primaries:
Richard Nakka's Experimental Rocketry Site Perhaps the best rocketry web site of all. A must-see. Makes me proud to be a sugar user!
Scott's Experimental Rocketry - Scott Fintel - large sugar propellant motors. Developing KNO3/erythritol - NOT hygroscopic!
Stuart Leslie - Aluminum Micro-Motor, KN/SO Aerotech-type reloads, author of TRA sugar propellant proposal
Inverse Engineering - Dan Pollino, sugar propellants, large rockets, very clever and interesting designs. Outstanding documentation.
Recrystallized Rocketry - Jimmy Yawn - Me! Major rocket fool.
Trailer Trash Aerospace - Sizeable sugar rockets made in Phoenix, AZ. Novel techniques
PVConly - kits for making sugar-propelled PVC motors. Also sells KNO3 & sorbitol
Serge Pipko making grains, translated by Babelfish - Sugar rocketry in Russia
Jonathan Carter's pages on Scott Fintel's website
Theo McDonald - McDonald Aerospace - KNO3/sorbitol and hybrid designs
Knut Gangåssæter - Norway
Mike Harris - Amateur and experimental rocketry
Suppliers of useful stuff:
Aerocon - Rocket Apparatus for Inventors and Experimenters
McMaster-Carr - supplier of mechanical parts for many things
FireFox - Chemicals, tools and instructions
Skylighter - Primarily pyrotechnics, many chemicals overlap
Cheap - Mostly pyrotechnic chemicals
United Nuclear - Specializes in pyrotechnic chemicals
Raw Chemicals International Limitied - In Scotland, shipping everywhere (?)
Underground Gadgets - has pyrotechnic chemicals and other interesting things. - fuse and other pyrotechnic things.
Bentonite Clay
Wyo-Ben - Wyoming Bentonite, Inc.
Aerocon Systems - carries load cells, amplifiers, pressure sensors
Transducer Techniques - Load cells and other transducers.
Omega - Load Cells
Dataq - Data Acquisition devices, ranging from very cheap to many $$$
Measurement Computing, Inc. - Data acquisition boards
Mouser - myriad electronic stuff
Digi-Key - myriad electronic stuff
Pyrotechnic Tools
Wolter Pyro ToolsFireSmith - Ben Smith makes nice pyrotechnic tools
Caveman Chemistry - tutorial on rocket engines at bottom of "gunpowder" page (no longer there, but a good site and book)
Build the Lifter - Electric propulsion experiment - JDN Labs
Rocket Fuel - the precipitation method (black powder, Montreal Fireworks) - includes instructions on making small bottle-rocket motors using this propellant.
Make Saltpeter
Making Black Powder - exercpt from Foxfire 5
LeConte book on making Saltpeter
Make Iron Oxide catalyst - from steel wool and Drano
FrogFot page on purifying and making KNO3
Ulrich Bretscher's Black Powder Page - section on manufacture of KNO3
UC-Davis - Geology page on Nitrates
Fritz-Zyme innoculants for aquaria
Joseph LeConte, Instructions for the Manufacture of Saltpetre.
Bio-Con Labs - aquaria - in Gainesville FL! Report on nitrifying bacteria Article on Fritz-Zyme - Bacteria Cultures, Enzymes & Supply Links
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) search for microbial cultures by type
Make the Incredible 5-Cent Sugar Rocket
Link 1
Link 2
Krimzonpyro - actually denies the effectiveness of the original recipe, but provides some other tips, like how to make RIO from steel wool and vinegar
Make black powder rocket motors:
Practical Pyrotechnics - Wouter Vissier, Netherlands (home page)
Flight Cameras
Another site using the Aiptek handicam in Arizona
"FlyCamOne2" Micro Video Camera
Design a rocket airframe and simulate its flight
Test Stand Electronics
Analog to Digital acquisition boards
Load Cell Tutorial - Society of Robots
Discussion Groups
WAMEX - International Experimental Aerospace Society (IEAS!)
aRocket - Amateur/Experimental Rocketry
SugPro - Sugar Propellants
ChemRoc - Propellant Chemistry
Frontier Files Online - Opening the Space Frontier
The Rocketry Forum - Model, mid-power and high power, but discussion of motors construction is not allowed.
Max Thrust - Online forum: "News and information you can use." Primarily model rocketry and HPR
Regulations Relating to Rocketry, Regulatory Agencies
Orange Book - BATFE - Federal Explosives Law and Regulations - 2007
Government Action Pages
Rocketry Information Center
ARSA Congressional Action page - John Wickman, supporting the Enzi initiative S724
Senate Education Initiative - donations of rocketry-related informational materials to Senators, delivered 4/30/03
Save Rocketry Now! - immediate effort to raise money to advertise non-professional rocketry on The Discovery Channel
Regulations, and how to meet them
Tulsa - Tutorial on obtaining a LEUP
Link Collections
(Some are duplicated in other categories above)
Bill Baldwin of NEFAR - large personal collection
Amateur Rocketry Links Library - maintained by Hans Olaf Toft, Denmark
aRocket Science Resource for Experimental Rocketeers - Link collection, FAQs - dedicated to space-related activities that kids (of all ages) can do
Laser Rocket Team, Missilistica Italia - links collection
Rocket Motor Parts (RCS - affiliated with Aerotech) has lots of .pdf files of good rocketry info
Florida Rocketry
Always Ready Rocketry - Randy Ejma, Tampa. Randy offers casting tube, case liner, surplus parachutes, instructional classes and more.
Gorilla Rocket Motors - Jim Harris, Tampa offers a fine line of certified rocket motors and reloads. Jim has become a regular at NEFAR launches, much to my/our delight.
Payload Bay - Roger Smith, builder of Akavish and other cool rockets, photographer at NEFAR and other launches.
The Rocketarium - Marc Slabbinck - offers a range of rocket kits. Marc is another regular at NEFAR, and often flies with sugar propellant.
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